Source code for python_dynamodb_lock.python_dynamodb_lock

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

This is a general purpose distributed locking library built on top of DynamoDB. It is heavily
"inspired" by the java-based AmazonDynamoDBLockClient library, and supports both coarse-grained
and fine-grained locking.

from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
import logging
import socket
import time
import threading
from urllib.parse import quote
import uuid

# module level logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DynamoDBLockClient: """ Provides distributed locks using DynamoDB's support for conditional reads/writes. """ # default values for class properties _DEFAULT_TABLE_NAME = 'DynamoDBLockTable' _DEFAULT_PARTITION_KEY_NAME = 'lock_key' _DEFAULT_SORT_KEY_NAME = 'sort_key' _DEFAULT_TTL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = 'expiry_time' _DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD = datetime.timedelta(seconds=5) _DEFAULT_SAFE_PERIOD = datetime.timedelta(seconds=20) _DEFAULT_LEASE_DURATION = datetime.timedelta(seconds=30) _DEFAULT_EXPIRY_PERIOD = datetime.timedelta(hours=1) _DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_TPS = -1 _DEFAULT_APP_CALLBACK_THREADPOOL_SIZE = 5 # for optional create-table method _DEFAULT_READ_CAPACITY = 5 _DEFAULT_WRITE_CAPACITY = 5 # to help make the sort-key optional _DEFAULT_SORT_KEY_VALUE = '-' # DynamoDB "hard-coded" column names _COL_OWNER_NAME = 'owner_name' _COL_LEASE_DURATION = 'lease_duration' _COL_RECORD_VERSION_NUMBER = 'record_version_number' def __init__(self, dynamodb_resource, table_name=_DEFAULT_TABLE_NAME, partition_key_name=_DEFAULT_PARTITION_KEY_NAME, sort_key_name=_DEFAULT_SORT_KEY_NAME, ttl_attribute_name=_DEFAULT_TTL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, owner_name=None, heartbeat_period=_DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD, safe_period=_DEFAULT_SAFE_PERIOD, lease_duration=_DEFAULT_LEASE_DURATION, expiry_period=_DEFAULT_EXPIRY_PERIOD, heartbeat_tps=_DEFAULT_HEARTBEAT_TPS, app_callback_executor=None ): """ :param boto3.ServiceResource dynamodb_resource: mandatory argument :param str table_name: defaults to 'DynamoDBLockTable' :param str partition_key_name: defaults to 'lock_key' :param str sort_key_name: defaults to 'sort_key' :param str ttl_attribute_name: defaults to 'expiry_time' :param str owner_name: defaults to hostname + _uuid :param datetime.timedelta heartbeat_period: How often to update DynamoDB to note that the instance is still running. It is recommended to make this at least 4 times smaller than the leaseDuration. Defaults to 5 seconds. :param datetime.timedelta safe_period: How long is it okay to go without a heartbeat before considering a lock to be in "danger". Defaults to 20 seconds. :param datetime.timedelta lease_duration: The length of time that the lease for the lock will be granted for. i.e. if there is no heartbeat for this period of time, then the lock will be considered as expired. Defaults to 30 seconds. :param datetime.timedelta expiry_period: The fallback expiry timestamp to allow DynamoDB to cleanup old locks after a server crash. This value should be significantly larger than the _lease_duration to ensure that clock-skew etc. are not an issue. Defaults to 1 hour. :param int heartbeat_tps: The number of heartbeats to execute per second (per node) - this will have direct correlation to DynamoDB provisioned throughput for writes. If set to -1, the client will distribute the heartbeat calls evenly over the _heartbeat_period - which uses lower throughput for smaller number of locks. However, if you want a more deterministic heartbeat-call-rate, then specify an explicit TPS value. Defaults to -1. :param ThreadPoolExecutor app_callback_executor: The executor to be used for invoking the app_callbacks in case of un-expected errors. Defaults to a ThreadPoolExecutor with a maximum of 5 threads. """ self._uuid = uuid.uuid4().hex self._dynamodb_resource = dynamodb_resource self._table_name = table_name self._partition_key_name = partition_key_name self._sort_key_name = sort_key_name self._ttl_attribute_name = ttl_attribute_name self._owner_name = owner_name or (socket.getfqdn() + self._uuid) self._heartbeat_period = heartbeat_period self._safe_period = safe_period self._lease_duration = lease_duration self._expiry_period = expiry_period self._heartbeat_tps = heartbeat_tps self._app_callback_executor = app_callback_executor or ThreadPoolExecutor( max_workers=self._DEFAULT_APP_CALLBACK_THREADPOOL_SIZE, thread_name_prefix='DynamoDBLockClient-AC-' + self._uuid + "-" ) # additional properties self._locks = {} self._shutting_down = False self._dynamodb_table = dynamodb_resource.Table(table_name) # and, initialization self._start_heartbeat_sender_thread() self._start_heartbeat_checker_thread()'Created: %s', str(self)) def _start_heartbeat_sender_thread(self): """ Creates and starts a daemon thread - that sends out periodic heartbeats for the active locks """ self._heartbeat_sender_thread = threading.Thread( name='DynamoDBLockClient-HS-' + self._uuid, target=self._send_heartbeat_loop ) self._heartbeat_sender_thread.daemon = True self._heartbeat_sender_thread.start()'Started the heartbeat-sender thread: %s', str(self._heartbeat_sender_thread)) def _send_heartbeat_loop(self): """ Keeps renewing the leases for the locks owned by this client - till the client is closed. The method has a while loop that wakes up on a periodic basis (as defined by the _heartbeat_period) and invokes the _send_heartbeat() method on each lock. It spreads the heartbeat-calls evenly over the heartbeat window - to minimize the DynamoDB write throughput requirements. """ while not self._shutting_down:'Starting a send_heartbeat loop') start_time = time.monotonic() locks = self._locks.copy() avg_loop_time = 1.0 / self._heartbeat_tps if self._heartbeat_tps == -1: # use an "adaptive" algorithm if the TPS is set to -1 avg_loop_time = self._heartbeat_period.total_seconds() / len(locks) if locks else -1.0 count = 0 for uid, lock in locks.items(): count += 1 self._send_heartbeat(lock) # After each lock, sleep a little (if needed) to honor the _heartbeat_tps curr_loop_end_time = time.monotonic() next_loop_start_time = start_time + count * avg_loop_time if curr_loop_end_time < next_loop_start_time: time.sleep( next_loop_start_time - curr_loop_end_time ) # After all the locks have been "heartbeat"-ed, sleep before the next run (if needed)'Finished the send_heartbeat loop') end_time = time.monotonic() next_start_time = start_time + self._heartbeat_period.total_seconds() if end_time < next_start_time and not self._shutting_down: time.sleep( next_start_time - end_time ) elif end_time > next_start_time + avg_loop_time: logger.warning('Sending heartbeats for all the locks took longer than the _heartbeat_period') def _send_heartbeat(self, lock): """ Renews the lease for the given lock. It actually just switches the record_version_number on the existing lock - which tells all other clients waiting for this lock that the current owner is still alive, and they effectively reset their timers (to wait for _lease_duration from the time they see this new record_version_number). As this method is called on a background thread, it uses the app_callback to let the (lock requestor) app know when there are significant events in the lock lifecycle. 1) LOCK_STOLEN When the heartbeat process finds that someone else has taken over the lock, or it has been released/deleted without the lock-client's knowledge. In this case, the app_callback should just try to abort its processing and roll back any changes it had made with the assumption that it owned the lock. This is not a normal occurrance and should only happen if someone manually changes/deletes the data in DynamoDB. :param DynamoDBLock lock: the lock instance that needs its lease to be renewed """'Sending a DynamoDBLock heartbeat: %s', lock.unique_identifier) with lock.thread_lock: try: # the ddb-lock might have been released while waiting for the thread-lock if lock.unique_identifier not in self._locks: return # skip if the lock is not in the LOCKED state if lock.status != DynamoDBLock.LOCKED:'Skipping the heartbeat as the lock is not locked any more: %s', lock.status) return old_record_version_number = lock.record_version_number new_record_version_number = str(uuid.uuid4()) new_expiry_time = int(time.time() + self._expiry_period.total_seconds()) # first, try to update the database self._dynamodb_table.update_item( Key={ self._partition_key_name: lock.partition_key, self._sort_key_name: lock.sort_key }, UpdateExpression='SET #rvn = :new_rvn, #et = :new_et', ConditionExpression='attribute_exists(#pk) AND attribute_exists(#sk) AND #rvn = :old_rvn', ExpressionAttributeNames={ '#pk': self._partition_key_name, '#sk': self._sort_key_name, '#rvn': self._COL_RECORD_VERSION_NUMBER, '#et': self._ttl_attribute_name, }, ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':old_rvn': old_record_version_number, ':new_rvn': new_record_version_number, ':new_et': new_expiry_time, } ) # if successful, update the in-memory lock representations lock.record_version_number = new_record_version_number lock.expiry_time = new_expiry_time lock.last_updated_time = time.monotonic() lock.status = DynamoDBLock.LOCKED logger.debug('Successfully sent the heartbeat: %s', lock.unique_identifier) except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ConditionalCheckFailedException': # someone else stole our lock! logger.warning('LockStolenError while sending heartbeat: %s', lock.unique_identifier) # let's mark the in-memory lock representation as invalid lock.status = DynamoDBLock.INVALID # let's drop it from our in-memory collection as well del self._locks[lock.unique_identifier] # callback - the app should abort its processing; no need to release self._call_app_callback(lock, DynamoDBLockError.LOCK_STOLEN) else: logger.warning('ClientError while sending heartbeat: %s', lock.unique_identifier, exc_info=True) except Exception: logger.warning('Unexpected error while sending heartbeat: %s', lock.unique_identifier, exc_info=True) def _start_heartbeat_checker_thread(self): """ Creates and starts a daemon thread - that checks that the locks are heartbeat-ing as expected """ self._heartbeat_checker_thread = threading.Thread( name='DynamoDBLockClient-HC-' + self._uuid, target=self._check_heartbeat_loop ) self._heartbeat_checker_thread.daemon = True self._heartbeat_checker_thread.start()'Started the heartbeat-checker thread: %s', str(self._heartbeat_checker_thread)) def _check_heartbeat_loop(self): """ Keeps checking the locks to ensure that they are being updated as expected. The method has a while loop that wakes up on a periodic basis (as defined by the _heartbeat_period) and invokes the _check_heartbeat() method on each lock. """ while not self._shutting_down:'Starting a check_heartbeat loop') start_time = time.monotonic() locks = self._locks.copy() for uid, lock in locks.items(): self._check_heartbeat(lock) # After all the locks have been "heartbeat"-ed, sleep before the next run (if needed)'Finished the check_heartbeat loop') end_time = time.monotonic() next_start_time = start_time + self._heartbeat_period.total_seconds() if end_time < next_start_time and not self._shutting_down: time.sleep( next_start_time - end_time ) else: logger.warning('Checking heartbeats for all the locks took longer than the _heartbeat_period') def _check_heartbeat(self, lock): """ Checks that the given lock's lease expiry is within the safe-period. As this method is called on a background thread, it uses the app_callback to let the (lock requestor) app know when there are significant events in the lock lifecycle. 1) LOCK_IN_DANGER When the heartbeat for a given lock has failed multiple times, and it is now in danger of going past its lease-duration without a successful heartbeat - at which point, any other client waiting to acquire the lock will consider it abandoned and take over. In this case, the app_callback should try to expedite the processing, either commit or rollback its changes quickly, and release the lock. :param DynamoDBLock lock: the lock instance that needs its lease to be renewed """'Checking a DynamoDBLock heartbeat: %s', lock.unique_identifier) with lock.thread_lock: try: # the ddb-lock might have been released while waiting for the thread-lock if lock.unique_identifier not in self._locks: return # skip if the lock is not in the LOCKED state if lock.status != DynamoDBLock.LOCKED:'Skipping the check as the lock is not locked any more: %s', lock.status) return # if the lock is in danger, invoke the app-callback safe_period_end_time = lock.last_updated_time + self._safe_period.total_seconds() if time.monotonic() < safe_period_end_time:'Lock is safe: %s', lock.unique_identifier) # let's leave the lock.status as-is i.e. LOCKED else: logger.warning('Lock is in danger: %s', lock.unique_identifier) # let's flag the in-memory instance as being in danger lock.status = DynamoDBLock.IN_DANGER # callback - the app should abort its processing, and release the lock self._call_app_callback(lock, DynamoDBLockError.LOCK_IN_DANGER) logger.debug('Successfully checked the heartbeat: %s', lock.unique_identifier) except Exception: logger.warning('Unexpected error while checking heartbeat: %s', lock.unique_identifier, exc_info=True) def _call_app_callback(self, lock, code): """ Utility function to route the app_callback through the thread-pool-executor :param DynamoDBLock lock: the lock for which the event is being fired :param str code: the notification event-type """ self._app_callback_executor.submit(lock.app_callback, code, lock)
[docs] def acquire_lock(self, partition_key, sort_key=_DEFAULT_SORT_KEY_VALUE, retry_period=None, retry_timeout=None, additional_attributes=None, app_callback=None, raise_context_exception=False, ): """ Acquires a distributed DynaomDBLock for the given key(s). If the lock is currently held by a different client, then this client will keep retrying on a periodic basis. In that case, a few different things can happen: 1) The other client releases the lock - basically deleting it from the database Which would allow this client to try and insert its own record instead. 2) The other client dies, and the lock stops getting updated by the heartbeat thread. While waiting for a lock, this client keeps track of the local-time whenever it sees the lock's record-version-number change. From that point-in-time, it needs to wait for a period of time equal to the lock's lease duration before concluding that the lock has been abandoned and try to overwrite the database entry with its own lock. 3) This client goes over the max-retry-timeout-period While waiting for the other client to release the lock (or for the lock's lease to expire), this client may go over the retry_timeout period (as provided by the caller) - in which case, a DynamoDBLockError with code == ACQUIRE_TIMEOUT will be thrown. 4) Race-condition amongst multiple lock-clients waiting to acquire lock Whenever the "old" lock is released (or expires), there may be multiple "new" clients trying to grab the lock - in which case, one of those would succeed, and the rest of them would get a "conditional-update-exception". This is just logged and swallowed internally - and the client moves on to another sleep-retry cycle. 5) Any other error/exception Would be wrapped inside a DynamoDBLockError and raised to the caller. :param str partition_key: The primary lock identifier :param str sort_key: Forms a "composite identifier" along with the partition_key. Defaults to '-' :param datetime.timedelta retry_period: If the lock is not immediately available, how long should we wait between retries? Defaults to heartbeat_period. :param datetime.timedelta retry_timeout: If the lock is not available for an extended period, how long should we keep trying before giving up and timing out? This value should be set higher than the lease_duration to ensure that other clients can pick up locks abandoned by one client. Defaults to lease_duration + heartbeat_period. :param dict additional_attributes: Arbitrary application metadata to be stored with the lock :param Callable app_callback: Callback function that can be used to notify the app of lock entering the danger period, or an unexpected release :param bool raise_context_exception: Allow exception in the context to be raised :rtype: DynamoDBLock :return: A distributed lock instance """'Trying to acquire lock for: %s, %s', partition_key, sort_key) # plug in default values as needed if not retry_period: retry_period = self._heartbeat_period if not retry_timeout: retry_timeout = self._lease_duration + self._heartbeat_period # create the "new" lock that needs to be acquired new_lock = DynamoDBLock( partition_key=partition_key, sort_key=sort_key, owner_name=self._owner_name, lease_duration=self._lease_duration.total_seconds(), record_version_number=str( uuid.uuid4() ), expiry_time=int(time.time() + self._expiry_period.total_seconds()), additional_attributes=additional_attributes, app_callback=app_callback, lock_client=self, raise_context_exception=raise_context_exception, ) start_time = time.monotonic() retry_timeout_time = start_time + retry_timeout.total_seconds() retry_count = 0 last_record_version_number = None last_version_fetch_time = -1.0 while True: if self._shutting_down: raise DynamoDBLockError(DynamoDBLockError.CLIENT_SHUTDOWN, 'Client already shut down') try: # need to bump up the expiry time - to account for the sleep between tries new_lock.last_updated_time = time.monotonic() new_lock.expiry_time = int(time.time() + self._expiry_period.total_seconds()) logger.debug('Checking the database for existing owner: %s', new_lock.unique_identifier) existing_lock = self._get_lock_from_dynamodb(partition_key, sort_key) if existing_lock is None: logger.debug('No existing lock - attempting to add one: %s', new_lock.unique_identifier) self._add_new_lock_to_dynamodb(new_lock) logger.debug('Added to the DDB. Adding to in-memory map: %s', new_lock.unique_identifier) new_lock.status = DynamoDBLock.LOCKED self._locks[new_lock.unique_identifier] = new_lock'Successfully added a new lock: %s', str(new_lock)) return new_lock else: if existing_lock.record_version_number != last_record_version_number: logger.debug('Existing lock\'s record_version_number changed: %s, %s, %s', new_lock.unique_identifier, last_record_version_number, existing_lock.record_version_number) # if the record_version_number changes, the lock gets a fresh lease of life # keep track of the time we first saw this record_version_number last_record_version_number = existing_lock.record_version_number last_version_fetch_time = time.monotonic() else: logger.debug('Existing lock\'s record_version_number has not changed: %s, %s', new_lock.unique_identifier, last_record_version_number) # if the record_version_number has not changed for more than _lease_duration period, # it basically means that the owner thread/process has died. if existing_lock.expiry_time < time.time(): logger.warning('Existing lock\'s lease has expired: %s (%s)', str(existing_lock), time.time()) self._overwrite_existing_lock_in_dynamodb(new_lock, last_record_version_number) logger.debug('Added to the DDB. Adding to in-memory map: %s', new_lock.unique_identifier) new_lock.status = DynamoDBLock.LOCKED self._locks[new_lock.unique_identifier] = new_lock'Successfully updated with the new lock: %s', str(new_lock)) return new_lock except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ConditionalCheckFailedException': 'Someone else beat us to it - just log-it, sleep and retry: %s', new_lock.unique_identifier ) else: raise DynamoDBLockError(DynamoDBLockError.UNKNOWN, str(e)) except Exception as e: raise DynamoDBLockError(DynamoDBLockError.UNKNOWN, str(e)) # sleep and retry retry_count += 1 curr_loop_end_time = time.monotonic() next_loop_start_time = start_time + retry_count * retry_period.total_seconds() if next_loop_start_time > retry_timeout_time: raise DynamoDBLockError( DynamoDBLockError.ACQUIRE_TIMEOUT, 'acquire_lock() timed out: ' + new_lock.unique_identifier ) elif next_loop_start_time > curr_loop_end_time:'Sleeping before a retry: %s', new_lock.unique_identifier) time.sleep(next_loop_start_time - curr_loop_end_time)
[docs] def release_lock(self, lock, best_effort=True): """ Releases the given lock - by deleting it from the database. It allows the caller app to indicate whether it wishes to be informed of all errors/exceptions, or just have the lock-client swallow all of them. A typical usage pattern would include acquiring the lock, making app changes, and releasing the lock. By the time the app is releasing the lock, it would generally be too late to respond to any errors encountered during the release phase - but, the app may still wish to get informed and log it somewhere of offline re-conciliation/follow-up. :param DynamoDBLock lock: The lock instance that needs to be released :param bool best_effort: If True, any exception when calling DynamoDB will be ignored and the clean up steps will continue, hence the lock item in DynamoDb might not be updated / deleted but will eventually expire. Defaults to True. """'Releasing the lock: %s', str(lock)) with lock.thread_lock: try: # if the lock is not in a locked state, it's a no-op (i.e. released or stolen/invalid) if lock.status not in [DynamoDBLock.LOCKED, DynamoDBLock.IN_DANGER]:'Skipping the release as the lock is not locked any more: %s', lock.status) return # if this client did not create the lock being released if lock.unique_identifier not in self._locks: if best_effort: logger.warning('Lock not owned by this client: %s', str(lock)) return else: raise DynamoDBLockError(DynamoDBLockError.LOCK_NOT_OWNED, 'Lock is not owned by this client') # first, remove from in-memory locks - will stop the heartbeats # even if the database call fails, it will auto-release after the lease expires lock.status = DynamoDBLock.RELEASED del self._locks[lock.unique_identifier] # then, remove it from the database self._dynamodb_table.delete_item( Key={ self._partition_key_name: lock.partition_key, self._sort_key_name: lock.sort_key }, ConditionExpression='attribute_exists(#pk) AND attribute_exists(#sk) AND #rvn = :rvn', ExpressionAttributeNames={ '#pk': self._partition_key_name, '#sk': self._sort_key_name, '#rvn': self._COL_RECORD_VERSION_NUMBER, }, ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':rvn': lock.record_version_number, } )'Successfully released the lock: %s', lock.unique_identifier) except DynamoDBLockError as e: raise e except ClientError as e: if best_effort: logger.warning('DynamoDb error while releasing lock: %s', lock.unique_identifier, exc_info=True) elif e.response['Error']['Code'] == 'ConditionalCheckFailedException': # Note: this is slightly different from the Java impl - which would just returns false raise DynamoDBLockError(DynamoDBLockError.LOCK_STOLEN, 'Lock was stolen by someone else') else: raise DynamoDBLockError(DynamoDBLockError.UNKNOWN, str(e)) except Exception as e: if best_effort: logger.warning('Unknown error while releasing lock: %s', lock.unique_identifier, exc_info=True) else: raise DynamoDBLockError(DynamoDBLockError.UNKNOWN, str(e))
def _get_lock_from_dynamodb(self, partition_key, sort_key): """ Loads the lock from the database - or returns None if not available. :rtype: BaseDynamoDBLock """ logger.debug('Getting the lock from dynamodb for: %s, %s', partition_key, sort_key) result = self._dynamodb_table.get_item( Key={ self._partition_key_name: partition_key, self._sort_key_name: sort_key }, ConsistentRead=True ) if 'Item' in result: return self._get_lock_from_item( result['Item'] ) else: return None def _add_new_lock_to_dynamodb(self, lock): """ Adds a new lock into the database - while checking that it does not exist already. :param DynamoDBLock lock: The lock instance that needs to be added to the database. """ logger.debug('Adding a new lock: %s', str(lock)) self._dynamodb_table.put_item( Item=self._get_item_from_lock(lock), ConditionExpression='NOT(attribute_exists(#pk) AND attribute_exists(#sk))', ExpressionAttributeNames={ '#pk': self._partition_key_name, '#sk': self._sort_key_name, }, ) def _overwrite_existing_lock_in_dynamodb(self, lock, record_version_number): """ Overwrites an existing lock in the database - while checking that the version has not changed. :param DynamoDBLock lock: The new lock instance that needs to overwrite the old one in the database. :param str record_version_number: The version-number for the old lock instance in the database. """ logger.debug('Overwriting existing-rvn: %s with new lock: %s', record_version_number, str(lock)) self._dynamodb_table.put_item( Item=self._get_item_from_lock(lock), ConditionExpression='attribute_exists(#pk) AND attribute_exists(#sk) AND #rvn = :old_rvn', ExpressionAttributeNames={ '#pk': self._partition_key_name, '#sk': self._sort_key_name, '#rvn': self._COL_RECORD_VERSION_NUMBER, }, ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':old_rvn': record_version_number, } ) def _get_lock_from_item(self, item): """ Converts a DynamoDB 'Item' dict to a BaseDynamoDBLock instance :param dict item: The DynamoDB 'Item' dict object to be de-serialized. :rtype: BaseDynamoDBLock """ logger.debug('Get lock from item: %s', str(item)) lock = BaseDynamoDBLock( partition_key=item.pop(self._partition_key_name), sort_key=item.pop(self._sort_key_name), owner_name=item.pop(self._COL_OWNER_NAME), lease_duration=float(item.pop(self._COL_LEASE_DURATION)), record_version_number=item.pop(self._COL_RECORD_VERSION_NUMBER), expiry_time=int(item.pop(self._ttl_attribute_name)), additional_attributes=item ) return lock def _get_item_from_lock(self, lock): """ Converts a BaseDynamoDBLock (or subclass) instance to a DynamoDB 'Item' dict :param BaseDynamoDBLock lock: The lock instance to be serialized. :rtype: dict """ logger.debug('Get item from lock: %s', str(lock)) item = lock.additional_attributes.copy() item.update({ self._partition_key_name: lock.partition_key, self._sort_key_name: lock.sort_key, self._COL_OWNER_NAME: lock.owner_name, self._COL_LEASE_DURATION: Decimal.from_float(lock.lease_duration), self._COL_RECORD_VERSION_NUMBER: lock.record_version_number, self._ttl_attribute_name: lock.expiry_time }) return item def _release_all_locks(self): """ Iterates over all the locks and releases each one. """'Releasing all locks: %d', len(self._locks)) for uid, lock in self._locks.copy().items(): self.release_lock(lock, best_effort=True) # TODO: should we fire app-callback to indicate the force-release # self._call_app_callback(lock, DynamoDBLockError.LOCK_STOLEN)
[docs] def close(self, release_locks=False): """ Shuts down the background thread - and releases all locks if so asked. By default, this method will NOT release all the locks - as releasing the locks while the application is still making changes assuming that it has the lock can be dangerous. As soon as a lock is released by this client, some other client may pick it up, and the associated app may start processing the underlying business entity in parallel. It is recommended that the application manage its shutdown-lifecycle such that all the worker threads operating under these locks are first terminated (committed or rolled-back), the corresponding locks released (one at a time - by each worker thread), and then the lock_client.close() method is called. Alternatively, consider letting the process die without releasing all the locks - they will be auto-released when their lease runs out after a while. :param bool release_locks: if True, releases all the locks. Defaults to False. """ if self._shutting_down: return'Shutting down') self._shutting_down = True self._heartbeat_sender_thread.join() self._heartbeat_checker_thread.join() if release_locks: self._release_all_locks()
def __str__(self): """ Returns a readable string representation of this instance. """ return '%s::%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__dict__)
[docs] @classmethod def create_dynamodb_table(cls, dynamodb_client, table_name=_DEFAULT_TABLE_NAME, partition_key_name=_DEFAULT_PARTITION_KEY_NAME, sort_key_name=_DEFAULT_SORT_KEY_NAME, ttl_attribute_name=_DEFAULT_TTL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, read_capacity=_DEFAULT_READ_CAPACITY, write_capacity=_DEFAULT_WRITE_CAPACITY): """ Helper method to create the DynamoDB table :param boto3.DynamoDB.Client dynamodb_client: mandatory argument :param str table_name: defaults to 'DynamoDBLockTable' :param str partition_key_name: defaults to 'lock_key' :param str sort_key_name: defaults to 'sort_key' :param str ttl_attribute_name: defaults to 'expiry_time' :param int read_capacity: the max TPS for strongly-consistent reads; defaults to 5 :param int write_capacity: the max TPS for write operations; defaults to 5 """"Creating the lock table: %s", table_name) dynamodb_client.create_table( TableName=table_name, KeySchema=[ { 'AttributeName': partition_key_name, 'KeyType': 'HASH' }, { 'AttributeName': sort_key_name, 'KeyType': 'RANGE' }, ], AttributeDefinitions=[ { 'AttributeName': partition_key_name, 'AttributeType': 'S' }, { 'AttributeName': sort_key_name, 'AttributeType': 'S' }, ], ProvisionedThroughput={ 'ReadCapacityUnits': read_capacity, 'WriteCapacityUnits': write_capacity }, ) cls._wait_for_table_to_be_active(dynamodb_client, table_name)"Updating the table with time_to_live configuration") dynamodb_client.update_time_to_live( TableName=table_name, TimeToLiveSpecification={ 'Enabled': True, 'AttributeName': ttl_attribute_name } ) cls._wait_for_table_to_be_active(dynamodb_client, table_name)
@classmethod def _wait_for_table_to_be_active(cls, dynamodb_client, table_name):"Waiting till the table becomes ACTIVE") while True: response = dynamodb_client.describe_table(TableName=table_name) status = response.get('Table', {}).get('TableStatus', 'UNKNOWN')"Table status: %s", status) if status == 'ACTIVE': break else: time.sleep(2)
[docs]class BaseDynamoDBLock: """ Represents a distributed lock - as stored in DynamoDB. Typically used within the code to represent a lock held by some other lock-client. """ def __init__(self, partition_key, sort_key, owner_name, lease_duration, record_version_number, expiry_time, additional_attributes ): """ :param str partition_key: The primary lock identifier :param str sort_key: If present, forms a "composite identifier" along with the partition_key :param str owner_name: The owner name - typically from the lock_client :param float lease_duration: The lease duration in seconds - typically from the lock_client :param str record_version_number: A "liveness" indicating GUID - changes with every heartbeat :param int expiry_time: Epoch timestamp in seconds after which DynamoDB will auto-delete the record :param dict additional_attributes: Arbitrary application metadata to be stored with the lock """ self.partition_key = partition_key self.sort_key = sort_key self.owner_name = owner_name self.lease_duration = lease_duration self.record_version_number = record_version_number self.expiry_time = expiry_time self.additional_attributes = additional_attributes or {} # additional properties self.unique_identifier = quote(partition_key) + '|' + quote(sort_key) def __str__(self): """ Returns a readable string representation of this instance. """ return '%s::%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__dict__)
[docs]class DynamoDBLock(BaseDynamoDBLock): """ Represents a lock that is owned by a local DynamoDBLockClient instance. """ PENDING = 'PENDING' LOCKED = 'LOCKED' RELEASED = 'RELEASED' IN_DANGER = 'IN_DANGER' INVALID = 'INVALID' def __init__(self, partition_key, sort_key, owner_name, lease_duration, record_version_number, expiry_time, additional_attributes, app_callback, lock_client, raise_context_exception, ): """ :param str partition_key: The primary lock identifier :param str sort_key: If present, forms a "composite identifier" along with the partition_key :param str owner_name: The owner name - typically from the lock_client :param float lease_duration: The lease duration - typically from the lock_client :param str record_version_number: Changes with every heartbeat - the "liveness" indicator :param int expiry_time: Epoch timestamp in seconds after which DynamoDB will auto-delete the record :param dict additional_attributes: Arbitrary application metadata to be stored with the lock :param Callable app_callback: Callback function that can be used to notify the app of lock entering the danger period, or an unexpected release :param DynamoDBLockClient lock_client: The client that "owns" this lock :param bool raise_context_exception: Allow exception in the context to be raised """ BaseDynamoDBLock.__init__(self, partition_key, sort_key, owner_name, lease_duration, record_version_number, expiry_time, additional_attributes ) self.app_callback = app_callback self.lock_client = lock_client self.raise_context_exception = raise_context_exception # additional properties self.last_updated_time = time.monotonic() self.thread_lock = threading.RLock() self.status = self.PENDING def __enter__(self): """ No-op - returns itself """ logger.debug('Entering: %s', self.unique_identifier) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): """ Releases the lock - with best_effort=True """ logger.debug('Exiting: %s', self.unique_identifier) self.release(best_effort=True) if not self.raise_context_exception: return True
[docs] def release(self, best_effort=True): """ Calls the lock_client.release_lock(self, True) method :param bool best_effort: If True, any exception when calling DynamoDB will be ignored and the clean up steps will continue, hence the lock item in DynamoDb might not be updated / deleted but will eventually expire. Defaults to True. """ logger.debug('Releasing: %s', self.unique_identifier) self.lock_client.release_lock(self, best_effort)
[docs]class DynamoDBLockError(Exception): """ Wrapper for all kinds of errors that might occur during the acquire and release calls. """ # code-constants CLIENT_SHUTDOWN = 'CLIENT_SHUTDOWN' ACQUIRE_TIMEOUT = 'ACQUIRE_TIMEOUT' LOCK_NOT_OWNED = 'LOCK_NOT_OWNED' LOCK_STOLEN = 'LOCK_STOLEN' LOCK_IN_DANGER = 'LOCK_IN_DANGER' UNKNOWN = 'UNKNOWN' def __init__(self, code='UNKNOWN', message='Unknown error' ): Exception.__init__(self) self.code = code self.message = message def __str__(self): """ Returns a readable string representation of this instance. """ return "%s: %s - %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.code, self.message)